sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010
It was Saturday and my friends and I were preparing a surprise party for Helena. Many people were choosing Helena’s favourite songs.
Everybody was very nervous because we wanted everything to be perfect. I helped to decorate the room and we talked and decided to wear masks at the party to make it more interesting. It all started when we noticed that Mark lying on the floor. Suddenly, his leg moved a movement. We were afraid and we decided to call her mother. She seemed to be very nervous and after a few minutes she arrived. Then, she sat on the floor and looked at Mark carefully. Finally, she told us that it was completely usual because Mark used to lose his consciousness because of a strange illness.
After a while, Helena arrived and we told her everything.
That party wasn’t like what we had expected but although Helena didn’t have a surprise party, we were happy because Mark recovered.
miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

The Black Panther is one of the most endangered animals in the World. Hunters hunt it to sell his furs.
The black panthers live in North America, Latin America, Asia, and Africa,( in the jungles and savannah) .
This animal is basically carnivorous, so it can hunt a prey which can be for example a Stag and then eat it.
Another typical characteristic of this animal is that it is very solitary, expect when it is in heat, and that it’s a mammal.
How can people help the Black Panther? Organisations like FPA, are trying to regulate the hunting, and of course is absolutely illegal to hunt animals like the panther, the giant panda, and others.
To sum up, we must hope that organisations achieve their purpose, and that the black panthers will increase in number lefts by, regulating the hunting , trying to fertilize the females or taking care of the blank panther’s cubs. They can also build a centre of protection for this animal.
lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010
Conclusions about the year and the Comenius project!
At the beginning of the year we created a blog, and during the year we have explained there different activities, like our Christmas Traditions. The function of the blog is to share Catalan traditions with the swedish traditions, and to be in contact!.
The activity I liked the most was the Christmas song, because it was very funny. The activity I didn't like was the oral presentation. I think it was very important but I had some difficulties speaking in front of the class.
The rest of the activities were interesting.
Talking about the class activities , I remember that we watched a film. It was hilarious because we spent a great time and we learned a lot.
The last week we did the oral presentation. Miriam and me searched information on the internet , and we asked to our families about Bagà.
The explained us some curious things about the village , and we explained them to the rest of the class.
We looked up in the dictionary. We found other words to explain the same things. We also looked the grammar in our students book. I think we could have done the oral presentation better, but it wasn't bad at all!! If I had been the teacher, my mark would have been an eight.
About the blog. I like the way I have designed the blog and I think I have uploaded all the activities. I have also uploaded photos and videos. There were some mistakes in the activities , but I have corrected them. About the grammar and the vocabulary I think it's good.
To sum up, I think I have learned a lot of things this year working with the Comenius, and I have enjoyed it!
In conclusion , my English has improved this year because I have worked very hard.
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010
Do you remember when you were a child?
Those months i was very sad, and my mother and my sister were sad too. But it wasn't bad at all! Because we knew life would be better and we would live in another house very cosy, so I had two houses.
There are also good memories, such as , when I travelled for the first time by plane, or to another country.
I felt ver disappointed when I discovered that the 3 wise men didn't exist. I felt like it was a big fool. But then I understood a lot of things, like, why the poor children didn't receive presents, or why they never gave me domestic animals, like dogs.
Another memory was when I did the communion. I enjoyed that day and the presents too!!
These are some of my chilhood memories , some of them better or worse, but they have been great!
lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010
The Song!!
One of my favourite songs ,is ‘’Ain’t no mountain high enough’’. The singers of this song are marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrel. Twice died.
They weren’t a group , but they wrote and sang this song together. Marvin Gaye was an important singer of soul. He was from
And Tammi Terrel was an important singer of soul too. They joined and they did duets together. In 1945 she died because of a brain tumor at the age of 24.
I don’t know if this song is the most famous, but it has been very successful.
This song is about a man and a woman who love to each other so much. For them, no matter the distances or the kilometres beside them.
I like this song because I like the lyrics,the ryhtm and the video clip is funny.
The song isn’t very important for me , but I like the melody and all the aspects in general. I don’t usually hear it, maybe, once a month, but I like it very much, because it’s s a classic. I wouldn’t change nothing of the song , because it’s perfect, the way it’s now.
I like the video clip, and it’s connected to the lyrics. I like this song because, it’s very old and different of the video clips we usually watch.
The video clip is very simple, because it was filmed a lot of years ago , but it’s great.
In it appear the 2 singers singing.
To sum up I like very much this song , and it will never be old-fashioned because it’s a classic.
Here there's the videoclip:
lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010
My personality I think that will be like now, but a litte changed, more mature.
Probably , I'll live in a flat of a big city, like Manresa, But not as big as Barcelona. The walls of the flat will be white , like in the american houses. The foor and the furniture will be made of wood. I hope the house will be cosy and beautiful. About the family , I want to have a girl, because they are very nice and sweet. And a brother for her, Because if it is like this, they could play together.
I also want to have a husband, who takes care of the children and does the housework.
If I can , iIll work as a notary.
At weekends I'll go to disconnect of the routine, to the gym or places like that.
My hobbies will be going out with my friends, going to the cinema,..etc.
I think my future will be like this.
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
Recipe macaronis
Cook time: 25-30 minutes
Level: Easy
- ½ liter of water
- A pot of tomato
- Salt
- Oil
- Meat
- 1 Onion
- Pepper
- Butter
- 1 bay leave
1- First, take a saucepan and put inside ½ liter of water. You also pour a little of salt and a little of oil. Then wait until it boils.
2- While you are waiting, you can prepare the tomato macaroni. Take a frying pan and add a little of oil, until I t becomes hot. Then add onion and cut in little slices. After some minutes you will see that the onion becomes brown. Then you can add the minces, a little of salt and pepper. Then you have to wait until the meat is cooked. After that, add the tomato in the frying pan. Then wait for about 5 to 10 minutes.
3- When the macaronis are done, you’ll can take and strain them.
4- Then throw them back inside the saucepan and add a little of butter.
5- Finally add the fried and mix it with the macaronis.
6- Then you’ll can enjoy a delicious macaronis.